Overcoming Postpartum Depression & Living and Loving God's Blessings

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Back home from Kenya

What's it really like to be back?  Five months in Kenya was amazing. I have no regrets. I prayed that God would keep us safe and he did. There were times of lots of stress and tears and many unforeseen challenges but that is life. Have we changed as people?  I can only speak for me but I sure hope so. 

I enjoyed a nice bath at the hotel. I haven't taken a bath in almost 6 months. I drove a car. It was weird. I didn't own a car for almost six months and I surely didn't drive in Kenya. I took some of our laundry to a laundry mat and was so excited!  I only hand washed laundry a few times in Kenya, but it takes almost a whole day. I hated doing laundry before living in Kenya. Now I hope I don't hate it so much. 

I hope the biggest thing I can keep with me is not to judge others. We are so quick to judge others without even taking the time to understand their situation. I want to see others the way God sees them. Beautifully created for his purpose. We all don't have to fit in the same mold. God called us to Kenya and he used over 100 of our friends here in the US and other countries to help send our friends to school, college, donate clothes, shoes, pay off the balance of a stove for a school, volunteer, donate food and gifts,donate trees, chickens, goats, cows, electronics, books, beans and maize and provide jobs for many of our friends in Kenya. 

That's only to list a few things that was done in 5 months. We got to be God's hands through you. The love and support is overwhelming. 
We are happy to be back and touring the US with our family and visiting friends. Then it will be time to move back into our house and resume our new routines. 

I don't want to forget Kenya. Some of the best people I know live there. They have taught me so much about who I want to be. Forget the people who make you feel bad about yourself and enjoy the ones who love you just the way you are.