Overcoming Postpartum Depression & Living and Loving God's Blessings

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Blessed to be Stressed and a black eye for Christmas!

My husband came home from his last minute Christmas shopping with his best buddy. I did a ton of dishes from the wrestling party we threw last night. It was a ton of fun- but it turned into exactly what I said. A wrestling party- in my living room. Boys will be boys!

Oh I forgot to mention I have a black eye- not from the party, or a wild night with my hubby, but from a cell phone flying through the air. A couple nights ago my husband was talking to his dad on the phone. Then one second later, "Jodie, my dad wants to talk to you...bam!" Corner of my eye meet cell phone. I ran upstairs screaming and looked in the mirror. I had a huge "bubble" coming out of my head. It was so gross. I started screaming even more. My three year old is screaming and crying. "Oh mommy- it hurts doesn't it?" My husband is running upstairs with a phone in his hand- put the damn thing down already!  He is calling his parents back and yelling, "Can you come here please!" Then he runs downstairs to get ice for it. He is apologizing profusely. I am sobbing even more. The F word is flung around like there are no kids around. Finally when I calmed down I asked him quietly why he threw the phone when I wasn't even ready for it? My eye is swelling shut. He doesn't answer except, "Put the ice back on it!"
Now we are panicking because Christmas is coming up and I will for sure have a black eye for Christmas. Awesome. What are we going to tell my parents? "Phill hit me in the eye with a cell phone?" Oh gosh- it sounds so bad! Finally we get our heads together and realize- yep that is the truth. It was an accident and we will just tell the truth. And it isn't so bad. Everyone believes us and laughs at us. Natalie even asks me, "Mom do you still have two eyes?" Yes honey- I still have two eyes.

I'm sure this will be a Christmas I will never forget. This will be a year I will never forget. But I am so blessed to be stressed. I know I am loved like crazy and I have the biggest blessings on earth- my family.  Merry Christmas and God Bless you and your family!

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