Overcoming Postpartum Depression & Living and Loving God's Blessings

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Playing Santa

It amazes me how much I can love someone so much. My children hypnotize me. I know you know what I am talking about.
The other day I dropped off my daughter at Preschool, on time by the way, and drove somewhere I had no clue where I was going. I found this lady on Craigslist.com  (I love buying things off craigslist! It is so addicting!)  She was selling this Ariel vanity in great condition. I knew my daughter, Natalie, would love it. They are originally $80 brand new, but she was selling this for $40. My little guy and I drove for over an hour, and we got lost a few times. Finally we found her house. When I arrived at her house, it was covered with a ton of little girl toys that her daughter outgrew. I was glad I didn't say "granddaughter" because she looked old enough to be her grandma! Anyway- she kept adding things to sweeten the deal. I walked away spending $50 later, with the Ariel vanity, a doll house, a toy baby swing, a baby crib, and an Ariel doll. She probably thought-"sucker" but I was so happy with my latest treasures! I couldn't wait to show my husband. Then ten minutes into the drive I thought-he is going to kill me! Where are we going to put all of this stuff! Our living room is already at max capacity with toys. Oh well I thought.

So my baby and I drove home with my back trunk full to the brim with toys that were talking whenever I hit a bump. I had a huge smile on my face. I was so excited to get these home!  When Natalie was supposed to be taking a nap, I tried very hard to sneak these toys into the basement. She almost busted me three different times. Being Santa is hard work!

I am loving Christmas more and more as my little ones get older. I also love that I have an older foster daughter who is 12 and I can go shopping with and bake cookies with.

I don't think my kids would really care about presents, they know how much I love them. My husband keeps me in check when I want to go on a spending spree. I call him the Grinch sometimes. He is right though. Kids get way too much stuff-when all they really want is to be with the ones who love them the most and the ones they love in return. So we can play Santa once in awhile, but they would always choose Mommy over Santa any day!

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