Overcoming Postpartum Depression & Living and Loving God's Blessings

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Family Meeting

Phill and I talked for awhile about my stay in the hospital and where things would go from here. I felt like I had to  emphasize the fact that I was really really depressed and was on my slow road to recovery, but would need a ton of support from him. My confidence in everything in my life was severely damaged. I had gotten to such a horrible dark place that I never saw myself getting better. I only believed I would live in that miserable place for the rest of my life. I was genuinely shocked that I was doing better and only half believed I would stay better. I felt so fragile and I was afraid the slightest wind would knock me back down and I would never get up.
Phill reassured me that he would be there through it all. He would take care of me no matter what. I didn't believe him at first. He is a very strong willed person (stubborn) and it was his very stubbornness that got me to see that we could get through this together. I was not alone in this and I wouldn't have to fight this battle solo.

I asked where Todd was. Phill said he was waiting in the car. I told him he should go get Todd because we still had our family meeting and I didn't know how long that would take. Phill said he would be fine and he was probably taking a nap. Our friend Todd drove to Detroit to pick up Phill to avoid the 8 hour lay-over so Phill could get to home sooner. I later learned that Todd had to get up at 2:30 a.m. and start driving to pick him up. I also learned that Todd didn't even know I was in the hospital, he just knew I wasn't doing well. I was completely overwhelmed by his friendship and dedication. It shows me that people really do love you and want the absolute best for you. So many people have done nice things for me in my life, but this was honestly one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for my family.  And yes ladies he is single!

The social worker came in and apologized for running late. We started our family meeting. The social worker wanted me to start the meeting by talking about what I wanted to talk about. First I discussed my diagnosis with Phill which he already knew I had. Then we talked about some major life decisions I had been questioning. Phill politely asked the social worker if now was the time to make these major life decisions. The social worker agreed that now wasn't the right time, but in a few weeks we should discuss it again. Then we talked about ways we could simplify our life. Phill agreed that he would be there to do whatever it took to make my life as simple as it could be. In fact we simplified so much in the following weeks we both were extremely bored! We also talked about my medication and my follow up therapy. I felt the meeting went really well. I said what I needed to say and Phill asked appropriate questions and was very respectful.

I was finally able to pack my bags and say my goodbyes. I wanted to run out of there, but I knew I had to say goodbye to my close friends. I hugged Nancy and we both didn't want to let go. I told her I was so glad I got to know her and I would be praying for her. I hugged Kendra and wished her good luck. I stopped in Benny's room and said my goodbye. I wished him well and thanked him for all his encouragement. He smiled and said, "Good luck kiddo-You're going to do real well." I smile now when I think of Nancy, Kendra and Benny. I hope for only the best for each of them. I think maybe one day I will see them again out somewhere, truly happy. But until that day, I will pray for them and smile when I think of them.

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