Overcoming Postpartum Depression & Living and Loving God's Blessings

Friday, August 20, 2010

Wendy's fantasy!

After we finished breakfast we had to meet with the O.T. lady. She asked us to go around the room and talk about one or two things we would like to accomplish in our lives that we never had. Kendra said she would like to visit another country, Dave said he would like to visit his granddaughter more, I said I would like to run a marathon. The O.T. lady looked at me and said, "What's stopping you?" I wanted to be snotty and say, "Cause I'm in here!" I told her I had run two half marathons but never had time to train for a whole marathon. She gave some advice about running when I got  home and running in the winter on my treadmill to keep active. That was kind of the plan I had to lose my baby weight anyway, but after I had baby Phillip I had only run four or five times. Then I became so depressed that even going for a walk drained me of all my energy.
Julie, the new woman, said she would like to find a job. It was Wendy's turn and she started laughing. She said, "I've always wanted to have sex with a cop." The whole room started cracking up laughing. The O.T. lady laughed too. Then she said, "We are talking about positive coping skills here!" Wendy replied, " Well there is just something about a cop coming in with guns blazing!" It really did lighten the mood and it felt so good to laugh. Depression robs you of all emotion. I started to feel like maybe we could have some normalcy here and maybe it would be o.k. to stay here.

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